Retreat – Journey to your true self (in German)

15. – 19. Mai 2023, Coaching Retreat with horses (German), Barão de São João, Algarve/Portugal

Discover your path to an authentic and empowered life, guided by horses, nature and coaching.

This Retreat takes place in German language. Please contact us if you would like a similar experience in English.

Experience a unique retreat among horses and nature on the Algarve coast of Portugal!

Experiment with new ways of being with the help of loving equine teachers who give immediate, clear and honest feedback and make visible to you the patterns and limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck.

Equus coach Anna Kerckhoff de Sachi will be facilitating the process for you and helping you dissolve the blocks.

You will be learning like never before while having fun in a safe, small-group environment. No prior experience with horses is needed. Anna has experience with keeping you safe and feeling secure regardless of your comfort level with horses.

The program  will consist of equus coaching, life coaching, horse psychology lessons, communicating with horses, practical exercises with horses.

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  • Das lernst du.
  • Das erfährst du.
  • Das ist mit dabei.


  • Wann

    15. – 19. May 2023

  • Wo

    Rua do Moinho, Barão de São João, Algarve/Portugal

  • Trainerin(nen)
    Anna Kerckhoff de Sacchi
  • Retreat fee
    € 790,-
    • includes all work with horses and other coaching exercises as described, without accomodation

    • maximum participants: 6

  • Kontakt & Buchung